Spiritual Yoga Retreat - Rishikesh

I have been invited to participate in a Yoga Tour / Retreat to India in 2024.

This tour is being organised by the The Yoga Department a division of Tiwari Travel, an Australian registered and licenced Tour Operator founded in 2006 that specialises in leisure travel to India & Sri Lanka.

I have not been to India, but India has been with me through my yoga/meditation practice that started in the early 90s.  Studying the Bible, Gita, Upanishads and practicing yoga for this long has meant that I have been on a spiritual quest for a long time.

What do you think of when you hear a yoga retreat called a “Spiritual Yoga Retreat - Riskikesh”

For me what came to mind is that I am not qualified to lead a ‘Spiritual Yoga Retreat’.  I can teach yoga, movement; help integrate body and mind through the breath. I will make your yoga practice fun and I use very invitational trauma aware language that means that irrespective of how much yoga you may have done or not done, you will be OK.

What would a Spiritual Yoga Retreat look like anyway, visiting the ganges river, temples, listening to a guru, participating in ceremonies, maybe living in a cave for 6 months or 6 years.  Respecting local tradition and culture, dressing appropriately,  Anybody can do that, it would not be a Spiritual Yoga Retreat.

I asked SnapGPT (Artificial Intelligence) this question: “what does it mean to be truly spiritual”

Being truly spiritual can mean different things to different people, as spirituality is a deeply personal and subjective experience. However, there are some common themes that many people associate with true spirituality:

  • Self-Discovery: Truly spiritual individuals often engage in introspection and self-reflection. They seek to understand themselves, their purpose, and their place in the universe.

  • Connection: Spirituality often involves a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. This could be a connection to a higher power, nature, the universe, or humanity as a whole.

  • Compassion and Empathy: Spiritual individuals tend to be compassionate and empathetic towards others. They are kind, understanding, and nonjudgmental, valuing the well-being of others.

  • Mindfulness and Presence: Spiritual individuals often practice mindfulness, living in the present moment and being fully aware of their thoughts, emotions, and surroundings.

  • Seeking Meaning: Truly spiritual people often seek meaning and purpose in life. They may explore philosophical and existential questions to understand the deeper aspects of life.

  • Gratitude: Spirituality is often associated with gratitude for life, the universe, and everything in it. Spiritual individuals appreciate the beauty in the world and express gratitude for the experiences and relationships they have.

  • Humility: Spiritual individuals tend to be humble, acknowledging their limitations and being open to learning from others and from life experiences.

  • Service to Others: Many spiritual traditions emphasise the importance of serving others and making a positive impact in the lives of others. Acts of kindness and service are often seen as expressions of spiritual practice.

  • Acceptance: Truly spiritual individuals tend to be accepting of themselves and others. They embrace diversity and respect the beliefs and experiences of others, even if they differ from their own.

  • Inner Peace: Spiritual practices often lead to inner peace and a sense of calm, even in the face of challenges. Spiritual individuals may develop resilience and the ability to maintain equanimity in difficult situations.

It's important to note that being truly spiritual is a journey, and individuals may interpret and manifest spirituality in different ways. What is essential is the authenticity of the individual's beliefs and practices, as well as the positive impact they have on themselves and the world around them.

So SnapGPT has drawn on all its resources, combed through its catacombs, filtered and formatted, and produced the above.

Are you getting a sense of what a Spiritual Yoga Retreat would look/feel like.

For me a Spiritual Retreat is where I find the space to connect to the inner silence where the distractions of the mind become less important and I connect to Self, Artman, Watcher, Christ, Jesus - the Divine which is the same in each of us.  We will do the touristy stuff, but underpinning that will be the connection of the soul of our feet to the earth, and the Soul of this old country where yoga comes from.

I am not qualified to lead you on a Spiritual Retreat, but I will do my best to provide the space where you can lead your own Spiritual Retreat, where you can connect to that Divine presence that has always been there, waiting for you to return.


My Dad used to say